Matthew 5:13 You are the salt of the earth. What does this phrase mean? Here are some things we know about salt. It is essential for life. Salt or sodium chloride is the only mineral that is found in all cells of the human body. However, it seems unlikely that Jesus would use such a biological definition when his readers would not have been familiar with this. Salt was very valuable in the first century. At times it was used as a currency (the word for salary is derived from the word “salarium,” which is the word used to denote salt as a currency). Salt enhances the flavor of food. It preserves food as well. It influences whatever it touches.
Matthew 5:14 You are the light of the world. The purpose of a lamp is to shine out. It is not only not hidden, but it is set on a stand so that its light can shine even more prominently. It is not reasonable or logical to cover it up.
So how does this apply to us as kingdom citizens? We are the salt of the earth; we need to positively influence those we encounter. We are the light of the world; we are light bearers who reflect the light of Christ. This Sunday we continue our series from the Sermon on the Mount by focusing on salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). Take some time this week in your personal Bible study to dig into some other passages that talk about salt and light: Mark 9:49-50; Colossians 4:6; John 8:12; Ephesians 5:8.
Four passages, two on salt and two on light. Take some time as you find the time to dig into these few verses and their context as you seek to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).
Praying everyone has a blessed week,
In Christ,
Gary T.