In October 2015, the elders gave us their blessings to begin a new Ladies’ group and we haven’t missed a year since! If you haven’t heard about Heartfelt Friends, take a look below for some details, and be watching for more in the coming weeks! Our next season together will begin in September. We’d love for you to join us! Based on Titus 2:3-5
We’d love for you to be a “Part of the Heart”. We meet once per month, September through May.
There are two ways to participate:
Heart Mom– A Christian woman who honors God and will agree to guide and influence a younger sister. As a mature, caring woman of faith she will share her home and hospitality. She is passing on the legacy of faith and Christian living by instruction and example. She helps to disciple younger women in God’s teachings concerning their roles as women, particularly as wives and mothers. She shares her own joys and disappointments, her troubles and successes that she learned in building a Christian life and home. A Heart Mom may be a host Mom who prepares a meal in her home, a helper Mom in another Heart Moms home, or a Bible teacher Heart Mom who teaches the lesson.
Heart Sister– A younger Christian wife and/or mother with children in her home or a single mom or a single young woman. She agrees to commit to a small group (Home Group) for a season of Heartfelt Friends. She will be the guest of honor at a Heart Mom’s home along with other younger women to enjoy hospitality, a meal, friendship, fellowship, and Bible study.
Questions? Contact our preacher, Gary Truex, at 575-714-2028 or by email at garytruex1972@gmail.com. Gary will answer any questions you have and get you connected with one of our ladies.