On Wednesday evenings we are looking at the miracles of Jesus as recorded in the gospels. So far we have looked at three miracles of Jesus casting out demons, two of the three resurrection miracles, and the healing of a woman with a prolonged bleeding problem.
This week we move into Luke 7 which records two miracles. In Luke 7:1-10 Jesus heals the servant of a Roman centurion. Then in Luke 7:11-17 Jesus resurrects the son of a widow in the town of Nain. In Luke 7:1-10 we see “believing without seeing.” Then in Luke 7:11-17 we see “seeing without believing.” The main truth in both miracles is that following Jesus requires that we walk by faith not by sight. Slide 5 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV) For we live by faith, not by sight.
We will look at both miracles over the next few weeks but will begin this Wednesday with the healing of a centurion’s servant. A parallel account of this miracle is found in Matthew 8:5-13. There is a somewhat similar story in John 4:46-54, but most scholars do not believe it is the same story as recorded in Matthew and Luke. We will draw from both accounts, but our focus will be on Luke’s account in Luke 7.