The divinely inspired writer of Genesis (many believe this to be Moses) gives Joseph more time in Genesis than he does any other character—a striking fact given the significance of Genesis’s other main characters: Adam, Noah, and the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This prominence is even more striking considering the apparent insignificance of Joseph in…
Joseph in the Old Testament
As a youngster, it seems that Joseph was a little arrogant; but was he really? His natural self-assurance – increased by being Jacob’s favorite son and by knowing of God’s designs on his life—was unbearable to his ten older brothers, who eventually conspired against him. But this confidence, molded by trials and combined with a…
2nd Peter 2
In 2 Peter chapter 2, Peter describes and harshly condemns the false teachers who had entered the church. He promises their destruction, which will be brought by God. Peter also shows the impact of their lies on those who might believe them. Who are these false teachers? They were not strangers who showed up spouting…
Joshua 24:14
“Now, therefore, fear the LORD and serve Him in sincerity and truth; and put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD (Joshua 24:14 NASB). Joshua led the children of Israel across the Jordan and into the Promised Land to take up their promised inheritance. And…
Jesus Calms the Storm
The story of Jesus calming the storm is told in the three Synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Jesus had been teaching near the Sea of Galilee. Afterwards, He wanted a respite from the crowds so decided to take a boat with the apostles to the opposite shore where there were no large towns (Mark…
Sunday’s Lesson from Philippians 4:2-9
The Socratic Method
The oldest, and still the most powerful, teaching tactic for fostering critical thinking is Socratic teaching. Jesus often used this method. In Socratic teaching, the focus is on asking students questions, not giving them answers. This forces the student to think critically, something sorely missing in our society today. In Mark 8:14-21 Jesus uses this…
Philippians 3:4-8
Philippians 3:4-8 (NIV) If someone else thinks they have reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: 5 circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; 6 as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for righteousness based…
Survey of 2nd Peter
In our “Young Adult” class on Sunday mornings we have started a study on the book of 2nd Peter. Here is a brief survey of the book. Book Type: One of the New Testament’s General Epistles; the twenty-second book of the New Testament; the sixty-first book of the Bible. Divinely Inspired Author (2nd Timothy 3:16):…
What is a drink offering?
The first recorded occurrence of a drink offering was that given by Jacob in Genesis 35:14, right after God changed his name to Israel. Drink offerings were also included with burnt and grain offerings in God-ordained sacrifices, including the morning and evening sacrifices of Exodus 29:40. One-quarter hin, about one quart of wine was poured…