Judges 13:5 You will become pregnant and have a son whose head is never to be touched by a razor because the boy is to be a Nazirite, dedicated to God from the womb. He will take the lead in delivering Israel from the hands of the Philistines.” The life of Samson says a lot…
Tests of Truth
The Book of 1 John was and is a test of truth. In the first two chapters John, inspired by God, has been testing those who claim to know God, those who claim to follow Christ. And he has put and will continue to put to his readers to three tests. 1. The moral test: …
What the Bible says about “alternative lifestyles”
In this day and age we hear a lot of talk about “alternative lifestyles”. But what does the Bible say about things like: homosexuality, trans-genders, promiscuity, marriage, and the family? While many say that God is accepting of any relationship and behavior, the Bible paints a very different picture. Just because “alternative lifestyles” and behaviors…
Why the Insanity?
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth and all that exists was created by God alone through the power of His Word. All of creation testifies to His splendor and glory, and God oversees all that He has made. He governs the universe and all creation with holiness…
Why the Insanity?
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth and all that exists was created by God alone through the power of His Word. All of creation testifies to His splendor and glory, and God oversees all that He has made. He governs the universe and all creation with holiness…
Dealing With Persecution
Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. In Paul’s day the church faced extreme persecution both from the inside (judaizers, false teachers) and the outside (culture, Roman government). Yet Paul, inspired by God, told those first century Christians to not be overcome by the evil around them but to…
Remaining in Christ
1 John 2:24 As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. What does it take to remain in Christ? To remain in Christ is to sustain a vital relationship with Him. John explained this…
Backsliding is a term used to describe a process by which an individual who has become a Christian reverts back to non-Christian habits. The Bible is filled with examples of backsliding. The Old Testament nation of Israel is a great example of backsliding. This Sunday, we will look at a New Testament example from…
Living Like Jesus
Being a Christian involves more than just vocalizing our love to God. It also means demonstrating God’s love to others. Humanly speaking, it is much easier to dislike someone than it is to love him or her. Grudges and resentment come easily. Yet bitterness toward others is a poison. Not only does it affect our…
My Yoke is Easy…
Last week in our lesson on Elijah from 1 Kings 19, we saw a man who was spiritually exhausted and said “I have had enough”. It’s easy for us to feel this way too, the burdens of this world, the burden of guilt from past mistakes, the burden of worrying about things we wish we…